Partners blog

Three Ways The Future Retail Store Will Change

The fundamental role and purpose of retail stores are changing. Digital transformation forced brick-and-mortar outlets to evolve as more of the path to purchase shifted online. Now, as e-commerce expands, retailers are reimagining the functionality of stores

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The 5 Biggest Shopping Trends For 2022

Based on the past almost two years of living through the peak and valleys of COVID, retailers have upped their game in terms of the shopper journey. Here are the top five trends that customers can expect

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Shoppers Returned To Stores For The Holidays

Shopper traffic to physical retail stores has strongly rebounded from 2020. Data from, a company which measures shopper visits across a wide range of physical stores including grocery, apparel, big box, department and specialty, indicate that shoppers

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The Top Digital Trends To Watch In 2022

The world is more digital now than ever before and that’s sure to last in 2022.  Ninety percent of Americans say the internet has been essential to them during the pandemic. Indeed, basic everyday tasks

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