An effective marketing strategy to attract customers is something that is necessary in every industry, from CPG brands to restaurants to major retailers. Continue reading “Three effective marketing strategies to attract customers”
Day: April 11, 2018
How to Get Free Kicks on Shopkick
For as long as there have been apps, there have been hacks for apps. In fact, my one friend—let’s call him Shady Jay, he’d like that—is always telling me about them. I’m more into tech and apps than anyone else in our friend group, so I’ll bring up an app and Shady Jay will say, “But, hey dude, did you know there’s also a hack for that?” At this point, it’s kind of like our own little comedy routine.
I’m really into this one shopping rewards app called Shopkick. For those who haven’t heard of it before, how it works is that Shopkick gives out points for the things you do already whenever you go shopping. You then redeem those points for gift cards to your favorite stores. I’m kind of obsessed with Shopkick, and I talk about it all the time. So, there I was telling all my friends about it yet again, when Shady Jay said, “But, hey dude, did you know there’s also a hack for that?” I looked at him, rolled my eyes, and told him that, yes, I know plenty of ways to score tons of points with Shopkick.
That’s what I want to talk about today: how to get free kicks on Shopkick. There’s a lot of variety here in how to grab a ton of kicks—which is what Shopkick calls its points—for minimal amounts of energy. Also, if you start to follow some of the advice I’m about to lay out, you may just start talking about Shopkick all the time, too!
How to Get Free Kicks On Shopkick for the Least Effort
The thing about Shopkick is that it gives you points for making purchases—and a lot more. You can also earn kicks for scanning items in a store to get more info, and sometimes even just for walking into a store! In fact, since I’ve started using Shopkick, I think I’ve racked up more points by scanning items and just walking into stores than I have for making actual purchases (though I get quite a few points for that too).
In my experience, the best way to get free kicks on Shopkick is to make a point of planning ahead to figure out which stores and offers give you the most points for the least amount of effort. Sometimes, what I like to do before heading out shopping, is to check which stores have the most scannable items for kicks, and then prioritize going to that store.
How to Get Free Kicks on Shopkick by Shopping Online
One of the things I’ve always loved about Shopkick is that it gives you ways to earn points for both shopping at a brick-and-mortar store and for shopping online. Let me share what I’ve learned about how to get free kicks on Shopkick for shopping online. I’ve been a huge online shopper since online shopping became a thing, so I’m more comfortable shopping there, anyway.
Just like shopping at your local shop, though, there are plenty of ways to earn points quickly for shopping online, and some of them don’t even involve spending money. Here are my favorites:
- Watch videos on your phone: Open the Shopkick app each morning and earn kicks while you have your coffee. Simply visit the Discover tab to see what’s playing today. Also, perusing Shopkick’s lookbooks might just inspire your next gift or makeover… as well as contain an “instant surprise” kick for free!
- Make purchases on your phone: One of the great things about using Shopkick on your mobile phone for online shopping is that you often don’t even have to buy specific products. Sites such as Etsy, Overstock, Amazon Fashion, Booking,, and many, many more give you kicks for every dollar you spend. Isn’t that a great thing?
- Make purchases on your computer: Go to and log in using the same credentials you use to log into the app. Here, you’ll find plenty of additional stores, some of which are easier (and more fun) to purchase from via computer rather than phone—like Macy’s and JC Penney.
Shopping on both the computer and your phone means more convenience, more variety, and of course… more kicks!
The All-Time Best Strategy for How to Get Free Kicks on Shopkick
Honestly, though, the all-time best strategy for how to get free kicks on Shopkick is to make sure that you use it each and every time you go shopping. And that’s easy given how easy and how convenient and fun it is to use! You get points for walking into stores, points for scanning certain items for more info, and points, of course, for making purchases. It really does turn every trip into a fun scavenger hunt for points. Consistency is key though: The more you use it, the more the kicks start to add up. And, of course, more kicks equal more gift cards and savings!
So, there you have it, plenty of great ways how to get free kicks on Shopkick, and I didn’t even have to borrow any of them from good old Shady Jay. These are all hacks from my own personal repertoire.
Get to know the many different ways to get free kicks on Shopkick and start collecting gift cards today. Download Shopkick’s free app today and join a community of loyal Shopkickers who’ve already discovered how much you can earn with the help of a free shopping sidekick.
And, if you’re on social media catching up with friends, be sure to also join Shopkick on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for a little daily fun and inspiration.
Image courtesy Kurhan