Merry Christmas in July: How to Save Early with Shopkick

We have reached July, Shopkickers! One of the best things we have focused on this year is the joy of simply having something to look forward to, and Christmas definitely fits the bill. Even though Christmas and the holiday season are still six months away, that simply means there is plenty of time to sneak Christmas songs onto your playlist, start organizing your Christmas movie watch list, and begin prepping to save for the holiday season.

We know every little bit helps, especially during a year filled with so much uncertainty, so celebrating Christmas in July by sharing easy ways you can earn kicks and gift cards to stow away well in advance of the holiday season. Let’s dive into the simple steps you can take before, during, and after you shop! 

Before Shopping:

  1. Turn on Bluetooth for Walk-ins: When you open your Shopkick app, you will be prompted to turn on Bluetooth. Make sure you do! This enables you to receive kicks, whenever available, for walking into your favorite stores. 
  2. Link Your Card: Whether you’re shopping in stores or online, make sure to link your credit card. You can do this by clicking on the person icon in the upper left hand corner of the home screen. Then scroll down to “Linked Cards”, which is found under “My Account”. The trick is making sure to use the card that’s linked when you shop!
  3. Turn on Notifications: Whether you’re receiving notifications while you’re at home or as you’re walking into stores, make sure to enable them on your phone. This will allow you to be in the know about kicks before you start your shopping trip. 

During Shopping: 

  1. Scan While You Shop: While you’re shopping in stores, like Walmart, Target, and your grocery store, take a peek at the list of items that are available for you to earn kicks. While you’re strolling down the one-way aisles, scan! This is such a simple way to earn kicks on items you were already planning to purchase as well as those that might not be on your list during your current trip.  
  2. Submit Your Receipts: If you have scanned an item that also can be redeemed for more kicks by submitting your receipt, make sure you send a photo of your slip in! Your kicks will be rewarded shortly after your receipt is received by the Shopkick team. Keep an eye on your kick total, and watch it grow!

After Shopping: 

  1. Explore the Discover Tab: While you’re at home watching Hulu or enjoying your backyard, take a moment to explore the Discover Tab. You will find plenty of content, including lookbooks and links to blog posts. Plus, you also might just find hidden kicks!
  2. Watch Videos: Brands love launching videos in the app, so keep your eyes peeled! Videos appear while you’re shopping in stores, and they’re also on the Discover Tab. Make sure to watch so you can earn even more kicks.

What are your go-to ways to earn kicks? How are you saving for the holiday season? Let us know your best tips and favorite Christmas movies on Facebook!

7 Things Moms Really Need When The Kids Go Back To School

With summer coming to a close and fall kicking into full swing, it’s finally time for the kids to rush off back to school. On one hand, the daily activities, endless pool days and lack of school structure that filled your summertime schedule left you happy to spend time with your kids, but you also may feel much more exhausted than you expected! That is why this back-to-school season is the perfect time for you to find ways to cultivate a little rest and relaxation at home!

Before the school year gets too hectic, use the first couple weeks of back-to-school as a self-care recharge frenzy! You finally have six hours of uninterrupted time to regroup before diving into the demands of the school year and family life. You are (dare I say?) … free. Check out these ideas for things you can easily do to truly wind down, mama! You won’t regret any of them.

1. Stay-at-Home Spa

Create a mini-spa experience at home. It’s so easy to set up a self-care station with manicure and pedicure essentials, skin care, and face masks. Put on your favorite show and relax while your nails dry! No doing dishes for you.

2. Beauty Bath

Not only are bath bombs the most aesthetically pleasing invention ever, but they also make your skin feel amazing. Set up a warm bath with some of your favorite bath bombs and rose petals, and don’t forget to light at least one incredibly scented candle to really set the mood!

3. Sweat It Out

Between summer camp, sports practices, and pool days, you rarely had time to exercise. Use these few hours to get back into a healthy routine whether that means yoga, the gym, or running around the neighborhood. Don’t forget to wear breathable clothes and stock up on your favorite reusable water bottles.

4. Netflix Binge

One more episode of anything on Nickolodean could make you cry at this point, so why not have a binge on your favorite TV shows and movies during the day? It’s only been, what, a year since you last saw a movie you wanted to see? You deserve it!

5. Read A Book

Some of the best moments in life are the smallest moments. Happiness is usually found in between the pages of a really good book. Find your favorite genre and curl up in bed or outside and enjoy the beauty of turning one page at a time.

6. Solo Pool Day

With just a few weeks of warm weather left, you should be rushing to the pool for the most relaxing day yet! Grab your softest beach towel, most comfortable swimsuit, and get ready to snooze in the sun.

7. Take A Nap

Sleep is so important for your body to feel your best physically and mentally. It aids in focus, wellbeing, and your ability to take care of others. Take a guilt-free nap, and wake up refreshed and ready for the afternoon rush when the kids get home!

Whether you loved the back-to-school season rush or felt stressed by the frenzy of it all, it is important to stop and take a moment for yourself. Take a relaxing bath, exercise in new fitness gear or take a much-needed nap! Do things differently and pamper yourself in the few hours you have free before the after-school rush kicks in. You deserve it.

*To see more products and ideas that can help you relax and unwind, check out the Shopkick App! It allows you to shop for products you need and earn points back, called kicks, to redeem gift cards. Happy Shopkicking!