Can I use a shopping app to earn money?

When you’re growing up, you always hear people using the term “broke college student.” It wasn’t until I became one that I understood what it truly meant. With my hectic schedule that includes classes, internships, and trying to find time to have even a little bit of a social life, it’s very hard to find time to get even a part-time job for extra money. 

You might be thinking to yourself, “Well why would you even need a job with all of that going on?” The problem is, I’ve always liked to shop, and I can’t just turn that off now that I’m in college. I’ve had to figure out other ways to continue with my hobby but on a tighter budget. One way I’ve done this is by using a shopping app to earn money. That’s right, I’ve found a way to do what I love while also earning money. Here’s how.   

How to Use a Shopping App to Earn Money

Here are three easy steps that will help you get familiar with using shopping apps to earn money, too.

1. Make Sure You Have a Compatible Mobile Device

Look, I know this one sounds a little basic, but the first step to really learning how to use a shopping app to earn money is making sure you have a smartphone. I know, I know…if you’re anything like me, you can’t live without your smartphone, so this should be an easy one, but it’s still worth going over. The fact is, all of my favorite shopping apps require a smartphone to use them.

I’m personally an Apple iOS user, but I have a lot of friends who use shopping apps with Android systems, too. I’m told they both work equally as well. If you already have a smartphone with the capability to download apps, you’re one step closer to earning money. 

2. Download Shopkick

how to use a shopping app to earn moneySo, to be totally honest, I’m a little biased here, because I have a personal favorite shopping app that I want to recommend. My favorite shopping rewards app to use is Shopkick. Trying Shopkick involves more than just downloading it, of course, so I also want to tell you a little bit about how it works.

The way you can earn money with Shopkick is through getting what the app calls “kicks.” You can earn kicks by walking into certain stores (a favorite of mine as a college student), scanning the barcodes of participating products, buying things, and even doing activities at home like making purchases online or watching videos. After you’ve earned enough kicks, you can trade them in for gift cards to some of your favorite stores, which are just as good as cash. It’s really cool, and I’m sure once you try it, you’ll love it as much as I do.

3. Use Shopkick Frequently

In order to earn money with Shopkick, you’ll most definitely want to use it as much as possible. There are a lot of different free apps to earn money, but I love Shopkick because it turns every shopping trip into a fun scavenger hunt for kicks. I love that I can use Shopkick at many of my favorite stores, earn kicks while shopping, exchange those kicks for gift cards, and turn around and use them to shop even more.  

Another reason I love Shopkick is that I can also use the app to earn kicks online. And, obviously, I don’t have to go anywhere for that. I can do it from my dorm, the library, the coffee shop, or wherever else I happen to be. Shopkick being this easy to use is definitely one of the reasons I love it, and I’m sure you’ll agree once you give it a chance, too.

Shopkick being this easy to use is definitely one of the reasons I love it, and I’m sure you’ll agree once you give it a chance, too.

Want to Earn Money with a Shopping App? Try Shopkick

If you’re really busy because of school, or for any other reason, I think you should give Shopkick a chance. The way it works just makes it so easy to use; whether you’re earning kicks for shopping online or at your favorite store. Shopkick can help you get kicks that you can eventually turn into gift cards that are as good as cash.

I really love college. I know I talk about how busy I am, and that’s all true. Still, I’ve never had such a good time doing so many new things. Now I don’t have to give up my favorite hobby, because I’ve been using Shopkick as a shopping app to earn money. I just can’t recommend it enough!

Want to use a shopping app to earn money? Check out Shopkick! It makes it easy for everyone to earn money, even the super busy college kids. Download the app today and start getting your kicks now! 

Image courtesy of Jelena Zelen